24/7 Emergency Support

24/7 Emergency Support

Experience peace of mind with our 24/7 Emergency Support.

Your operation is 24/7. At Spectra Automation, we understand that. We offer 24/7 coverage to our clients to support them with emergency calls and supplemental services. Our Service Level Agreement provides our clients with peace of mind and ensures that there is someone to support them when the need arises.

The SLA provides our clients with access to our engineers, metrology personnel, and electricians with a 20% discount on hourly rates. Each SLA will include 10 hours per month to be utilized at our client’s discretion for troubleshooting, calibration, training, automation, etc., and additional hours can be purchased at any time.

Each SLA will have a dedicated service coordinator for calls during normal working hours. For after- hours support, the client will be provided with an

(800) number as well as a dedicated email account.

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Industrial Automation Software and Platform

We create dynamic industrial automation solutions leveraging effective automation technologies and software tools.